child: n.(pl. children )1.孩子,儿童,胎儿,婴儿。2.孩子气的人,幼稚的人。3.子孙;后裔;(空想等的)产物。4.追随者,崇拜者,弟子。5.某个时代的产物。短语和例子a forward child早熟[慧]儿。 a male [female] child男[女]孩。 a natural child私生子。 a spoilt child宠子,娇儿。 The chi
children: child 的复数。children of iniquily 歹人。 children of Israel 犹太人。 children of Izaak Walton 爱钓鱼的人们。
Example Sentences:
This provides programmatic access to child controls 这样就可以通过编程的方式访问子控件。
This property provides programmatic access to child controls 此属性提供对子控件的编程访问。
The civil division of the department of justice has been authorized to act on behalf of the secretary for justice in providing international assistance in the return of abducted children and exercise of rights of access to children 律政司民事法律科获授权代律政司司长行事,在交还被掳拐儿童及行使探视儿童权方面,提供国际性协助。